Monday, September 14, 2009

A Jury of Her Peers

The short story "A Jury of Her Peers" shows that even the happiest of people, can suddenly become the unhappiest. Minnie Foster, said by Martha Hale, had been just that way. "She used to wear pretty clothes and be lively--when she was Minnie Foster, one of the town girls, singing in the choir." (p.27) Minnie changed after she got married, when her husband forced her to stop singing. It seemed as though the only happy thing Minnie had in her life was her canary, a beautiful creature that loved to sing, just like her. When Mr. Wright strangled and killed her canary, Minnie got her revenge by killing him the same way he had killed her beloved bird. Mrs. Hale believed that she could have stopped all of this, if only she had visited her old friend Minnie more. That even visiting her a few times would have made her happy, and brightened up her lonesome life.


  1. I like how you used the quote in your paragraph. Overall your paragraph was really enjoyable. I would say that maybe next time more text evidence, but it was still a great paragraph

  2. I really enjoyed hearing your perspective on that. I thought the quote was placed great, and I actually think you had pretty sufficient text evidence.
    I do think some of those sentances could be combined to make them flow a little bit better, but thats just my opiion.
    Nice job overall!
