Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Discussion on Wemmick

When Pip visits Wemmick's home, he observes that the man has two very different personalities. At work, his serious side is shown, while at home he seems to be much more laid back and care-free. Wemmick believes that at work he should be serious, and there is no time for relaxing. "The office is one thing, and the private life is another. When I go into the office, I leave the castle behind me, and when I come into the castle, I leave the office behind me." (p.207) His home, or his castle as he calls it, is his escapism from the work world, from the world outside. "Wemmick got dryer and harder as we went along, and his mouth tightened into a post office again." (p.209) It seems as though Wemmick is afraid to show his caring, fun-loving side to Jaggers, so he puts on a mask only at work that makes him out to be a cruel, horrible man.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pip's Home Life

Pip lived without parents beginning when he was a very young child, so young that he could not remember them or what they looked like. Since their deaths, Pip stayed with his older sister and her blacksmith husband, Joe. His sister had a good reputation witht he neighbors because she claimed that she had raised Pip "by hand." Pip comes to learn what the term really meant, when she beats him with her cane. He is not treated as well as he would have been if he was living with his parents, because his sister sees him as somewhat of a burden. She says she would never chose to raise him "by hand" again. Pip and Joe seem to get along well, but he and his sister do not. Overall, Pip's life at home isn't the greatest a child could have, but he is thankful for the home he has.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Water flowing downstream


Crashing against boulders

Under the bridge

The water quickens


Rushing towards the lake

Schools of fish swimming


Fighting the current


Pouring out into the lake

Waves crashing

Crashing against the shore