Sunday, January 31, 2010

Fahrenheit 451 Project

My project is supposed to be a newspaper article, but when I uploaded it the header messed everything up so I had to go back and take it out. But at the top it's supposed to say "The Washington Press" and under that the title of the article should be "Technology's Effect On Our Community"

Suppose the local community organization realized that people have stopped showing up for community events and more and more people have been staying at home with their TV's and computers. No one is going to concerts, art shows, and they have come to you (a newspaper reporter), asking you to make an appeal to the people that to be a community we need to get more out there and not just be at home 24/7.

In the novel Fahrenheit 451, everyone is obsessed with their TVs, as well as in my article. Guy Montag lives in a world where so many people around him are constantly with their wall-sized televisions, interacting with them as if they were real. He breaks free from that group of people, not afraid to be different from everyone else.

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