Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Exploring Religions

Author's Note: this is a response to the novel Life of Pi

In the novel Life of Pi, Pi Patel becomes involved in several religions. Each religion and its beliefs are fascinating to him. His fascination lead to Pi becoming a regular Christian, Muslim, and Hindu. "At the rate you're going, if you go to the temple on Thursday; mosque on Friday, synagogue on Satuday, and church on Sunday, you only need to convert to three more religions to be on holiday for the rest of your life." (70) Pi hides the fact that he has been practicing all of these religions from his parents, but they learn the truth when they run into the three wise men. "Piscine's piety is admirable. In these troubled times it's good to see a boy so keen on God. We all agree on that. But he can't be a Hindu, a Christian and a Muslim. It's impossible. He must choose." (69) The young boy is upset that he has to chose between the religions, all of which he has come to love. People should be able to practice any religion they wish, and have many beliefs if they chose. If we can have the freedom of religion in America, why can't Pi?


  1. This is really good. The way you used the summary to build up to the question at the end is really interesting and is a really good way to layout this piece. Good job

  2. Good job, Alex. I really like your last two sentences, they summed up the whole thing. Nice job!

  3. Like the other comments said above, the last two sentences really summed up the whole thing, and made your responce sound really well! Nice Job!

  4. Great job Alex! I like how you explain what is going on in the novel and add your opinion at the end. This piece is excellent. Good job!
