Tuesday, June 1, 2010

When the Day is Done

When the day is done
And the sun is setting
Below the trees
Colors fill the sky
Oranges, yellows, pinks
Blues, purples, reds

Moving quickly
More and more each minute
My eyes capture its beauty
To remember forever

When the day is done
The world becomes dark
Just waiting
Waiting for dawn
When the sun will rise again


  1. Alex i really liked this wonderful poem that you created :) I liked how it was describing a cycle and how descriptive you were really added to this writing. Nicely done :)

  2. Great job AJ!! This was a great poem.. You described the sunset in such detail. It was absolutely fantastic! :)

  3. Excellent. I can easily see how this poem is actually a metaphor for change, for the end of one thing, and the start of another. Cool job.

  4. Alex- this poem is a masterpiece! It makes me think about how when the day is done things don't matter anymore, you can just move onto a fresh new day.
